There's something about your childhoods that's fading. Maybe it's the way your foreheads come to my chin when i wrap my arms around you. Maybe it's the way that you invade my closet & find that my shoes are starting to pinch your feet. Maybe it's your frustration with skin blemishes or pants that are suddenly too tight - but i feel an intense need to be aware in these years.
Tiny Ephraim - he needs to grow, to learn to crawl, climb and walk...
But you girls... you need to set your eyes firmly on your Father, choose to walk in righteousness and build your character.
i'm so proud that you clean your rooms, cook suppers, watch your younger siblings.... but when i think of what i want to teach you before you go - it goes so far beyond that...
i want your hearts. More than anything - i want your hearts to hunger and thirst for the only One who can satisfy. i want your hearts to be soft - yet decided. Broken, but not easily swayed. Wise, yet humble.
Grow little girlies - & if you can't stay mine forever...
Stay His.
What a beautiful prayer that I think all godly moms of girls would pray! Paige you are an amazing mom! Stretched in all the various stages of growth in your Gems! I totally look up to the way your mother your brood!
Beautiful Paige! Well said!
What you wrote made me catch my breath. "If you can't be mine... be his." That is beautiful.
Your girlies look so grown up in this pic Paige. *sigh*
Beautiful young ladies, both inside and out.
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