Thursday, April 15, 2010

's not fair...

i read something in a book today that was worthy of a second glance...

"So, God spare us a life of fairness! To live in a world with grace is better by far than to live in a world of absolute fairness." -A Grace Disguised, by Gerald Sittser.

What better lesson to learn & let our children learn young.
In my children's relationships - where there is often the temptation to chirp up for "my fair share" - or a sibling's "fair punishment" - what if they learned that there will always be small discrepancies, uneven portions, crimes overlooked & rules bent?
i think sometimes we get so caught up in what was owed to us - or what came our way that seems like an undeserved punishment...
That we overlook His lavish grace and love...
That abounds.


Denise said...

Alisdair is always asking why Isobel doesn't have to do (or gets) this or that and he doesn't...

A good lesson to learn... but we're still working on it!

Saskatchewan Cousin...

Anonymous said...

mmmm.....absolutely paige. that's really good.
hey...i was just wondering have you ever written about how you came up with "sojourner"?? cause i've been meaning to ask you but keeping forgetting.


paige said...
Here's the link to the bloggy name choice :)


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