It's a dumb idea to try to *quickly* nurse a tiny baby. It is something to be savoured and enjoyed, by both mama & baby - but i was trying to *get things done*...
Company was coming...
i needed to prepare supper...
We were just getting over the stomach flu...
i still needed to vacuume...
i hadn't done my hair - & i looked like a wreck...
Someone was yelling downstairs...

i gazed down at teeny Ephraim, in my arms, and i thought, "Hey, baby, why do you look so concerned?" i crooned love at him & smooshed our bodies together as i tried to kiss his soft little head. i concentrated on the task at hand & smiled down at my little babe...
& it made me wonder -
Love this.
You are such a beautiful momma - love the pics
wow...I sooo needed that today...I so need the constant reminder that *I* am the kids view right now...they are looking to me and AT me for my responses to situations and how I handle life. SHOULD be a pleasant view...sigh...may God give me a holy facelift...sigh
Is that last pic of baby E? Looks like Gagey.
I forgot to say I love the 2nd last pic of the 3 of you ;)
Yeh, the last pic is baby Ephraim. He's such a little dolly.
i like the one of all 3 too - E was only 1 day old - & my mom took some of our first attempt at tandem nursing :)
That second picture! oh, my heart! Such great photos, Paige!
I especially love this line that you wrote -
i want their view to be peace, joy and love when they're lookin' at their mama.
Oh wow - that speaks volumes to me.
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