i got my book yesterday. Funny how that little event coincided with Ash Wednesday; the beginning of a Catholic holiday that has proved beneficial to me over the past several years.
i believe that the observance of lent can serve as a tenderizer to the heart - and do i ever want to be soft.
40 days - 40 weeks.
(*not the real cover - but very similar to the one we ended up choosing :)
The whole day seemed full of "40" - i got an email from a sweet friend, inviting me to look at the website 40daysforlife.com and was encouraged to pray fervently for the wounded and the hurting, the ones impacted by abortion in our country - and our world during this season of lent.
That same day, my mama posted a picture of the teeny memorial plaques that my parents placed for Caleb and Hope (and wee Charis too)... We have been waiting years- and this is the day i first got to see their little names inscribed with the words so carefully chosen.

And maybe i'm reading into the coincidences surrounding the timing of the arrival of that brown parcel - with my skinny novel inside - but i feel the whisper in the wind to keep giving all i have for His glory - and to continue to proclaim truth gently.
My sister said to me, "Sometimes God's timing is just so gentle and obvious of a reminder that He *is* concerned with what concerns us most. love..."
i love that too...
ps - still going through the little painstaking process to finish off tiny bits of edits before i make my book available... i think it might be ready by May?
eeeeek!!!!! that's so tremendously exciting paige. i was just thinking about you yesterday and wondering if it had come yet. can't wait to see the real thing and read the final product.
Sounds like yesterday was a pretty special day!
I really can't wait. But I will. Because waiting is o.k. But I really can't wait. But I will.
I am so happy for you! I really enjoyed reading the tidbits you shared and would love the opportunity to read the entire book!
Soooo excited! Can't wait to read your book. And I believe that the 40 day and 40 week is something God planned. He is sooo good.
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