Looking for perfection - there was always so much to be be dissatisfied with.
i get that.
i have always wanted to go to Hawaii. The pictures that i see look amazing. The colours, the beaches, the sky... Some kind of otherworldly paradise.
i used to harumph - just the littlest bit - that i might never get to see that.
There is always so much to be dissatisfied with.
But today -
today was what the best days are made of.
Today wasn't striving for perfection.
i wasn't looking for tropical paradise...
i was just taking what came.
Today was spent with the ones i love the most.
& in it's innocent trappings, i was amazed with the treasures that i unwrapped as today unfolded.
i saw a tree that is 9 feet across.
i felt tiny crabs try to escape from under my feet as i walked along a rocky beach taking pictures of my children.
i caught Neil smiling.
i had a cinnamon dolce latte & the pleasure of ordering 6 steamers for my tiny crew left chomping at the bit in our Silver Fox to get rolling to coombs & the 'goats on the roof' market that became our destination.
Ephraim fell asleep and his drool ran down the front of my shirt as i carried him in my baby carrier.
i ate a chocolate peanut butter ice cream cone
& bought wooden toys.
My mom took us for a chinese food buffet... & i went back for seconds - cooing at my patient baby in between bites.
The best days -
are made of contentment, gratitude, beauty and and the time to let it all soak in a little.
& today...
Today was one of them.
So glad you are having a great holiday!
It does sound like a perfect day :)
Especially the Starbucks part - haven't been there in like FOREVER!
Sounds wonderful.
Great feeling, hey? I *love* those days.... Enjoy your trip, hope you all are having a great time:)
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