Monday, July 12, 2010

husbands love your wives...

Love in a sacrificial way...
Love her specifically - not generally.
Love is a verb...
During the sermon this sunday my mind was tugged back to a conversation with a stranger that i hadn't intended to have.
"What changed your mind?" She had asked...
A woman had been waffling about the possibility of a fourth child - & she stated that she had thought they were done, but that she had a niggling conscience about the possibility of that fourth child... i had mentioned casually that i knew how she felt because we thought we were done after our fifth was born...
At first i didn't know how to answer. How to explain those curious years between Mollen and baby Hope. How to be honest without being defensive - so many had accused me of being a "non submissive wife"... & i have often felt tender to probing eyes & sharp tongues.
But the answer came out of my mouth before i had the time to even think it through...
"Because my husband loves me... We ended up having more babies because he loves me."
Beautiful truth.


mamalena said...

Ha...simply sweet response Paige... Deeds flow out of love....

Lori-Dawn said...

there couldn't have been a better response Paige. Oh I just so desire to love more deeply...I'm learning, and I love that, starting to see others as more important than my own comfort...especially immediate family members!

Mindy said...



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