We waited in the van for a few minutes before my midwife arrived & she got the door unlocked, the tub running & all the welcome cozy lights on by the time we walked the few steps to the door.
i couldn't decide if i wanted to be checked or not - i thought maybe if i got checked and i was only 4cm, i would be discouraged. Right before i got in the tub, Neil told me to go for it - just to get an idea where we were at.
The contractions became unbearable - and i felt myself in urgency, begin to push. With the first push, i felt his little head descend. The second midwife whispered to the first, "do i write, 'assumed complete?'" "Yeah," responded my midwife, "i'm sure i heard a pushy sound there..." but they just sat in the corner & encouraged me to "listen to my body"...
With each unbearable contraction, i bore down - and each time i was rewarded with the feeling of baby coming nearer. My midwife asked me to turn so that she could help guide him into my arms. i asked for one more contraction as i didn't want to break my groove - slowly, laboriously i made my way into a different position & to my shock, i felt his head crown. i wasn't expecting it so soon & i felt grateful that i would soon have my beautiful baby in my arms.
"What's this?" i heard the midwife say... "Ohhhh, baby, that's not very nice..." She murmured - as another contraction broke my body in two and i pushed with all my might. i felt his head slide from me & i expected his body to follow soon.
(As soon as he was born, he wanted to try to put his hand back in the position he was born in - little sweetheart, how can that be comfortable?)
My body began working independently of my mind - & i gave everything i had to free him. Slowly, slowly, slowly, we made progress - pushes that wracked my whole frame & with more effort than i thought i had in me brought his little body into the water.
"There we go..." my midwife said quietly, "He's comin' up your way, you got him?"
i reached into the water... & in that darkened room - with the sounds of chirping birds coming from the bedroom - i pulled my son up from the waters & put him to my chest. His cord pulsed between us - & i felt like i could hardly breathe. i couldn't look at him - i just sunk our bodies into the warmth of the water and held on. It was 11:11 pm. My entire labour and delivery had taken just under 2 hours from start... to achingly beautiful finish.
Finally my midwife asked me if it was ok for her to suction him to get him to respond a little bit. i agreed, and finally, finally - we heard that sweet, thin wail. He got 8 & 10 on his apgars - but isn't it funny how those moments are eternity when you're living them?
After awhile - & after the cord had stopped pulsing - Cai got the chance to cut the cord
& we wrapped our sweetness in warm towels & passed him off to daddy while i finished off in the tub.
My placenta had separated a bit & caused some bleeding, so my midwife was wanting me to finish off that little job - & once that was finished and i was rinsed off, i wrapped up warm and snug too & climbed into the bed to enjoy our beautiful babe.
By the time we bothered to get him weighed and measured, he had pooped all over his towels & made a big mess...
Just made Neil happier we were at the birthing center and not at home! hehe. He seemed happier once we got him all clean and warm and snug in his "cocoon" that my friend had sent me only the day before he was born! Neil brought me toast & apple juice & i felt good, happy & strong.
After an hour or so, Neil came to me & said, "i'm not trying to rush you - but i'm feeling ready to go home..."
Funny enough, i was too - i felt like i would rest better at home & i was eager to get home to the rest of our small fry. By the time we were packed up & ready to leave, it was 1am. We had only been at the birthing center for 3 hours....
... but what a wonderful 3 hours it had been...
& this is just the beginning.
Beautiful! It all sounds *so* familiar to me...not being sure whether or not to be checked, deciding to be checked and being 5-6 cm. What did you think of the water?
I've been so anticipating reading the rest of little Ephraim's story, and it was everything I'd hoped. Thank you for taking the time to write it out.
his little cry brought tears to my eyes.
thanks for sharing!
Oh Paige, so so sweet. Thanks for sharing. A beautiful birth story.
What a beautiful story to go along with a beautiful baby.
I enjoyed hearing the end of your beautiful birth experience. Funny how he had his little arm so awkwardly back around his neck! Hope that you are all adjusting nicely at home.
ohhh, Paige!! Thanks for sharing! I LOVE the little cry at the end. We had a mishap with our video from the first days of Jamie's life and we can't read the disc now, soooo sad...I am glad you were able to capture that!! :)
Beautiful birth story Paige!! And what a gorgeous baby!! His cry is so teeny!! Absolutely lovely, all around!! What an odd way he was positioned!! Love the pix of you holding him in the water-what did you think of birthing in the water? Anyways, enjoy that new lil man!!
Such a beautiful story Paige! Hope your first 5 days with him have been blissful newborndom :)
He was certainly worth waiting for! What a beauty. And what a wonderful, inspiring story. Amazing that you didn't tear with that presentation - praise God! Thanks for sharing!
What a beautiful birth story! I loved the video...it brought happy tears to my eyes. God bless all of you!
Did you have him circumcised?
paigey, maybe the difference in our waterbirths was because yours was not so deep? Or did they let some of the water out? I was up to my shoulders during labour - just my neck and head were out and one arm, to hand on to the side...
Love the early pictures - so glad you found time to post...
YAY! I'm a little late getting to read it and heard a bunch from Mindy already, but that little video made me misty.
What a sweet story and I'm so happy for you and your family.
What a blessing!
Keep posting stuff like this i really like it
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