Wednesday, January 4, 2006

This is the first draft i brought to my pastor... he thought it could be better written...
Dear Pastor,

I guess you could say this letter comes from a concerned lover of Truth. I am active in Grande Prairie’s prolife organization, Voice For Life. I have noticed over the years of my involvement in church and in prolife work that there seems to be among the workers in this area an overwhelming feeling of defeat and weariness. As if the battle, once fought and lost is no longer worth the effort. We live in a country where abortion is legal at any stage of pregnancy and there need be no parental notification in the case of minors. Those in the medical field have gone so far as to try to change the definition of “pregnancy” to not include the first days after conception. Every day, our views on life, the precious commodity measured out by the Creator of the universe, get skewed in the name of “mercy” and “compassion”.
I have been crying out to God for wisdom.
My conclusions on this area are based on scripture and my pitiful knowledge of my Saviour. In no way do I count myself among the learned, and I will continue to try to press into the word so that He can correct me and I can gain understanding (Proverbs 15:32). That said, I wanted to share some thoughts with you in the hope that they can be of use to you.
I have noticed that there is a cultural theme that has crept into the church unchecked. Birth control, something that was universally rejected by the church up until the 1930’s has been embraced. With this convenience came cost. It seems that as the (organized) church began to take measures to gain control of their fertility (something I believe the bible states rather explicitly is God’s territory), there began to be in the hearts of even believers, a hardening towards children. (Just ask any woman who has recently been to a baby shower if the subject came up: “I’m so glad it’s not me!”)
It seems to me that even among those who know that life comes from God (Genesis 30:2) children are not viewed as a blessing, but rather as an avoidable affliction.
In my research, I came across an excellent resource, a book by Randy Alcorn “Does The Birth Control Pill Cause Abortions?” I would encourage you to read the book with an open heart as to what God would have you teach in your premarital counseling. I would also encourage you to not stop there. It seems to me that the prolife organizations that are active today have stopped short. I would classify them as “anti-murder” which is wonderful, but observably ineffective if they’re willing to blur the lines (or have them be blurred) for the sake of convenience.
I want to end with a quote from Randy Alcorn’s book:

“The biggest threat to Satan’s success in killing the innocent is that people become aware of the truth, then act on it. When I consider my own ignorance and lack of motivation to pursue and act on the truth that the Pill kills children, I am forced to conclude this may well be a spiritual stronghold that the evil one has on the church. Until we come to grips with, repent of and abstain from the chemical abortions we ourselves are having, I wonder how effective we will be as Christ’s representatives in general, and in particular in our efforts to prevent abortions. (Looking back, we haven’t been very successful in our efforts to curtail surgical abortions – perhaps this is one of the reasons.)”

We need vision and strength and courage in our prolife organizations. These things come from God. Please pray that God will pour out His blessings on Voice For Life as His people seek Him. Pray that this organization would be effective, and moved to action out of Love for God, and a desire to obey. Please pray that as Truth prevails, the enemy’s stronghold in this area of the church will be destroyed.
Thank you for reading my letter. God is so good.

Paige Beselt

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