Thursday, November 27, 2008

Dates & Blank Stares

Neil came & picked me up for a date this afternoon. He took me to Costco & we picked up coffee beans & snow peas. We didn't even need to talk... Just a comfortable quiet between us as we followed each other.

Three sleepers for my sweet boy who never seems to have pants on...

We ran into some people we know & i put on a smile to tried to fake it as my brain refused to give up their names & identities. i'm sure they think i'm crazy ~ & Neil smiled at me & said, 'what was up with that?' as we walked away & i shrugged...

Distracted, thoughtful, prayerful...

's the stuff dates are made of when there are 6 talkative little ones waiting at home.

His presence soothes me. His teasing takes the edge off me. His easy generosity changes me.


Anonymous said...

Chris and I can go through an entire date without barely saying a word to each other but still feel like we've had the best time. Silence is something we take for granted prior to children. It's funny though because as much as I appreciate it, I'm going crazy inside after about an hour,to get back to the chaos that awaits at home.

Anonymous said...

It's those ordinary moments.... meeting for a moment on the side of the highway before each of us drives off in the opposite direction (thanks to the Mike phone we have constant communication!) -- learning that I'm still in the city when he is back in town for lunch -- the three year old crawling in bed for a cuddle at 4 a.m. - these are the moments that life is made of. It's great that Neil is your best friend and that you don't have to use words to communicate if you don't want to! A man who makes you laugh is a great thing! Thanks for sharing a glimpse into your life with us... Saskatchewan Cousin.


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