Tuesday, October 18, 2011

more than halfway

We're more than halfway through our 40 day peaceful prayer vigil for life...
Have you had a chance to check out the blog HERE?
i'm working on a post giving my response to some of the questions that come up about prolife in general and this vigil in specific.  It's still marinading in my drafts folder. 
While i'm working on that, are there any questions you'd like to add to it? Some of the topics i'm hoping to cover are: What about graphic images? Don't you think women feel condemnation by your presence? Is there even an impact from a peaceful prayer vigil? Do you worry about being lumped in with the 'crazies'? :) 
Leave a comment, i'll do my best. 
The littles & i are reading in Romans today & we were reminded how when our faith is *real* - it changes the way we live and the choices that we make. 
i told them about the young, second time mama who was diagnosed with throat cancer at the same time as her pregnancy was confirmed.  She refused treatments that would kill or hurt her tiny one, and ultimately died of cancer just as her baby girl reached viability... She lived out her faith in a courageous way...
i don't want a faith that changes when my circumstances are hard... i want a faith that gives me the courage to be different in this culture that magnifies 'self'. 
There's more to life than me...


Lesley said...

I would like to think I had faith as strong as that lady. I am afraid that I wouldn't want to leave the little one I already had and I wouldn't want to die either. Fear is a terrible thing. I could never abort but am not sure I could refuse treatment either. That sounds terrible.

Lesley said...

I am embarrassed to read what I wrote. How weak I am and how far I have to go.

Lisa said...

No Lesley, you are HONEST. We can't grow and change without being honest with ourselves and others. I am completely with you. :(

Jen said...

Its hard too to say what you 'would' do...but if you were found in a similar situation I'm sure your faith would shine.

I want to hear the thoughts of your littles about abortion...I'm sure there are some stellar conversations in your home... I love how you aren't afraid to openly struggle and talk through things with your kids even though people think it's a 'adult' topic.

paige said...

UGH - just lost my comment!
i'll try again :(
Lesley - i don't think what you wrote (or feel) is terrible at all.. i agree with what both Lisa & Jen wrote & i wanna add a stoy.
One time i was talking about one of these "tough topics" with a friend. i told her that if i found myself in such and such a circumstance, "i would hope that i would have the courage to choose X". She got really angry with me - because she felt that since i had never been through that, i hadn't earned the right to speak.
While i understand that sentiment, i disagree with it. i really believe that Christians should think thorough these difficult scenarios so that they can encourage each other to choose best, and so that they can better pray for wisdom and strength to face what they *do* end up facing from day to day.
i could only hope and pray that i would have the courage to choose like that mama...
if you click on the link to their blog (written by the daddy) - you'll see that there is no judgement for believers who would choose differently - just a firm conviction that they followed as God led. i love that.

Anonymous said...

I drove by the clinic on my way to an appointment last Tuesday and saw a lady holding a huge sign that read "Mommy, will it hurt?" with a bible in the other hand. My only thought was how is that love for these broken women. How is it anything but condemnation and guilt inducing. Would Jesus carry a sign and what would it say? I thought it might say 'you are loved, chosen, forgiven'...
The sign truly took my breath away and it brought me to tears for those who would read it and again feel such contempt from those who carry bibles.

paige said...

Anonymous - i have seen that sign too - & i have so many thoughts about it... (some of which i'll explore in that future post...)
Interesting thought about what would Jesus put on a sign... "forgiven" is hard for some people to take too - because there is a denial that they have done anything that requires forgiveness...
i'd love to have *more christians* out on the sidewalks - showing love & compassion. i think it would influence the flavour of the signs that are chosen.
i chose to make my own sign, as i didn't feel like the ones available necessarily said what i wanted so badly to say.
i'd stand by you if you made that sign & stood out there :)

Anonymous said...

That's very true about forgiveness...and I guess it would have a judgemental tone to it as well. Thanks for making me think and see things in new lights...I really appreicate your blog Paige!

paige said...

One more thought here - and then i'll come back to this at a later time... In your original comment you said, "guilt inducing"... Guilt... isn't necessarily bad. We might feel guilty because we *are* guilty. We need to take care of the sin... not always being bound by the comfort of the sinner. i know this sounds hard... it's not... & i offer it humbly.


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