Recently, Neil took our 3 "middlies" on a business trip with him & left me at home with my 2 big girls & my 2 teeny boys. His business was taking him to BC, where my inlaws live, & had just recently moved into a new condo. My littles were pretty excited to see their Gam & Gamp's new home & to have a little vacation to boot. Neil's parents had decorated their new place, bought a new dining set & settled in nicely. When my crew came home, Neil said he had a funny story for me.
Apparently, after supper one night, my mother in law went to go wipe her new table... & discovered some scratches in it...
Upon careful examination... the scratches revealed a name.
As Neil was telling me this story, my stomach fell... "oooohhhh, noooooooo.... pullllleeeeze no..." i moaned...
"& scratched into the table were the letters, "E-M-M-A"
Bless you, Emma, sweet little niece of ours.
After all, it was our child who pooped on the carpet in their brand new house while we were getting our first tour last time they moved, so i figure we're about even now...
Besides, our children would never deface home & property like that...
In the fort

Can you see this one? "mollen" on the back of the couch... with Cai's deoderant...
Permanent marker on Cai's sheets...
Back deck...
Cai & Moll's wall
Upstairs hallway... i wonder what disrupted the artist - & stopped her from completing this beauty?
I guess maybe one should think about each child having a different letter to begin their name when naming their babies...that way there would be less confusion! ;)
Dang! There goes 'Kalli' ...
Your brave!, I'm not even gonna look!! There is non of that over here!! LOL
Haha! That's funny. We have none of that :p
Whew! I'm glad I'm not the only one that harbours grafitti artists. Somehow, though writing utensils are strictly forbidden anywhere but our kitchen/diningroom, many MANY marks have been made about the house. Glad to see evidence that I'm not alone in appreciating the true artistry of learning how to write your name (on a wall, couch, anything-that-you-can find-in-a-hurry-before-mommy-comes around-that-corner...
OY! Yeah, I go through our house at least twice a year with a huge crate of magic erasers...sigh Yeah, I know they cause cancer...however, I am more worried about getting our damage deposit back! lol
That is an impressive assortment of signatures! Miles tends to deface trees and rocks outside...and Eli alphabet stamped a "card" for me, the rug beneath it and both arms a couple days ago...but now I'm thinking we're doing pretty good!
I still have a few of those momentos too. Thanks to Stephanie for writing her full name INSIDE the buffet instead of ON it!
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