My prize.
Yeh, i know - it's pretty nice.
i'm reading through my rough copy now - & clarifying or fixing little things that are glaring. i don't know how to do much more than that :)
So far (i'm not quite halfway through) - i have added a couple of hundred words - (& taken some out too i guess) - & my word count for nano was just over 56 000 - but i'm sure that will change as i finish reading it through for my first time.
i don't know what i want to do with it.
My mom says i should publish it on lulu so i can get copies for my littles, but i still feel kind of shy about it... it's a lot like music in many ways. Maybe i will sit and let it simmer for a bit - and then see what i feel like doing in a few months...
Well Paige....your friends are waiting to read it. If you publish it...they can download and read it....or you can link your blog to it and sell hard copies or whatever....Think about cover art...haha
Remember that Create Space gives you one free published copy of your book, so you can see if you like the formatting, font, front and back covers, etc. It is a great deal as they even pay the shipping to get it to you. Then you can either order more from them, or publish it with whoever you want. But you can beat a free book!!! Check that out on your NaNoWriMo homepage. Create Space will give you a code to use when you order your book. I can't remember when they give out the codes. May be after Dec 1, but everyone who makes it to the 50,000 words gets one.
Oops, I meant, you "can't" beat a free book.
Well I think you should publish some hard copies, cause I want one! :)
Ummm, you can't NOT publish it Paige!!! I agree with your mom, you need to think about cover art...hire your mom!!! hee hee
I was looking forward to reading it. I would totally buy a copy. So please do think hard about publishing it!
A thought (and I don't know the answer!):
If you self-publish on Lulu or somewhere else -- what is the situation regarding possible publication by an actual publishing house? Once I sent an article to the Edmonton Journal and they gave me $50 for it. Later, I submitted the same article to Canadian Living and they wanted to publish it (the one about coming to St. Paul for Thanksgiving when you were little with the bus) -- and when they found out it had been in the Journal, they suddenly didn't want it after all! I would have much preferred publication in the magazine, had I known!
So maybe that is something that should be checked out before you make a decision -- from what I have read on the blog (thus far) it looks to me like this "book" has a much wider scope/audience than just a few family/friends. Christian fiction are always looking for something and if it is true (and I think it is) that this is a topic that isn't usually dealt with in those types of books, then it might not be too hard to sell it! I'd try at least.
(I know you didn't write it to be famous -- just as a challenge to do it) -- but those are my thought!
The WORLD is waiting to read your words, Paige! I keep up with a writer from Idaho with lots of books printed by REAL publishers and sold in Christian bookstores, so maybe I'll try to find out from her what the status would be or what you should do next.
Saskatchewan Cousin
Oh please please publish it! Like your cousin said there are lots of options and you probably need to think them through. But having read your little "bits" I can hardly wait to read it all:)
thanks again for sharing
I would really like to read it. I am making it my personal quest to have my friends art hanging in my house. I would consider a book a work of art and keep it as the great treasure of your thoughts and heart it is. I won't even display it if you don't want me too:) I will just read it and tuck it away in my very small but friendly book shelf
Haha! I bet you didn't think your novel would be such a hit! We are all anxiously waiting for the release party!
No pressure tho. I'd feel so shy about opening up myself and letting everyone read my novel....that is if I ever wrote one :)
I'd like a signed copy tho! Bahaha!
I hope you are proud of your accomplishment - SO many of us are SO proud of you!!!
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