Neil has been working & travelling a *ton* this month. He was in Edmonton till late last night & then tonight he heads out to Toronto *again*... i'm so excited for him & i know that this is just a very short season & bum luck that he's gone so much in one short period of time, but man, i miss that guy when he's not around & i just don't even feel like myself.
So, yesterday, after i had my bath (at 4pm!!) & *finally* got out of my pyjamas (eek) i got little G down for his second nap & decided i was going to read a bit of a book my sister Jess had lent me. It's called _Lies Homeschooling Moms Believe_ by Todd Wilson.
i think he could have actually called it 'lies most moms believe that keep them from becoming homeschooling moms' ~ but maybe that's another post... or maybe that title was too long ~ hehe. Anyway, it was an encouraging little breath of fresh air for me yesterday afternoon. There's one part where he describes being an encouragement to other homeschool moms & just reading his description of how we should be on the sidelines, cheering, encouraging, being real ~ just made me realize how much i ache for that in my own life. It's funny too, because i have 2 sisters who homeschool & Neil & i both have extremely supportive family concerning our decision to homeschool, plus i have friends in my area who homeschool & who are sweet encouragement to me ~ so if i feel that, how much more do other moms who don't have the same beautiful support system i have??
So, here's my 'shout out' to any homeschoolers that read this post. You are amazing! You are doing something that is very, very hard work. i know, we could all keep going, work harder, do more, do it better, but for those of you who are in a marathon, not a sprint, keep going! ~ God gave your children the mama He knew they needed & what you are doing is *enough*.
1 comment:
Sometimes I can't help complaining about the fact that Leroy won't retire. I'm trying to quit ....really.....but one thing that might make me clam up more than anything, maybe, is the question I am often asked, "How long have YOU been retired?" (My stock answer is, "Retired from what?"...haha) Anyhow, I'm grateful that you are making your families your top priority. Guess I'm just letting you know, that it's quite likely you will always have people thinking that you're no-one unless you have (or at least HAD) a career. I think that society as it now stands, shows us what this devaluing of the Mother's roll has got for us. The work you do is extremely important, so carry on ladies....play to the audience of One....and as my Dad likes to say, "Let the heathen rage!"
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