Thursday, March 1, 2012

the hand pincher

i recently read a blog post about the day a woman found out her husband had been having a devastating affair.  She said her brother's first instinct was to hop on the next plane, and to fly to her.  She said that they talked, but that often the conversation was drown out by the huge sobs... She described (much more eloquently than i'm describing here) how when that would happen, he would pinch her hand, almost to the point that it was painful... and she knew that he was refocusing her - taking her mind for just one throbbing moment away from the agony of betrayal.
Neil has often served as my hand pincher - pulling up my chin when life seemed unfair...   
& it stings to be betrayed.
& i know... we're supposed to cling to Jesus, right? 
But sometimes, He just doesn't pinch hard enough. 
Take it away, take it away, take it away... Send me a hand pincher, Jesus!!
& neil buys me a starbucks, slaps my bum and takes me to look at ridiculously expensive show homes... He pinches & i feel it take away some of the sting... or if not really taking it away, it at least allows me to focus on something else for a moment...
These past three weeks of constant travel have worn me down... i'm in need of a good distraction & i'm contemplating nailing his shoes to the floor, stealing his keys, shaving his eyebrows... something, anything - to keep him near. 
He promises this next week will bring more home and less away - and i'm banking on it.  Good snacks in the big bed... maybe a movie... lots of mindless drivel, sprinkled with a smackerel of those conversations where he surprises me - and reminds me for the billionth time why i married him.  Lots of hand pinching, thank you, Jesus
Have you got a hand pincher?

ps - yes.  i'm gonna plug THAT blog again.  This 40 days for life thing won't leave me alone.  Did you know that this week, a medical ethics journal published a paper in defense of "after birth abortions"?  They're already happening in the Netherlands... It makes me wonder how long it will be before the choice is taken away from parents - and their "less than perfect" children - deemed inconvenient or burdensome to society at large - will be euthanized... or "aborted after birth"... We can't afford to wait until after the fact.  The biggest impact that we can have is on our knees... now... Will you join me? 
Follow along HERE. 
(To read more about the ethics journal paper, click HERE.) 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your posts about Neil. They make me think of alllll the zillions of reasons I love Mark. ;) He is definitely my "hand pincher," although he doesn't usually do it in a painful "pinching" kind of way. He knows when I need to CHILL and just get out....when I'm overwhelmed and can't seem to see anything but the hard stuff. I am extremely extreeeeemely grateful for it. :)


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